SSTC extends a warm welcome to Eméline Mottais, an SLP from France, who is joining our team this month as an SLP Clinical Educator/Trainer to take over Paula Espinosa’s duties. Eméline has been in Phnom Penh for 8 months … [Read more...]
SSTC collaborates with the University of Puthisastra on Speech Therapy and Swallowing Difficulties webinar
On September 11, SSTC was happy to collaborate with the University of Puthisastra to present a free 3-hour webinar on “Speech Therapy and Swallowing Difficulties: An Introduction.” More than 150 health care professionals, … [Read more...]
Speech and Swallowing Disorders in Cambodia
An article published this October in the Southeast Asia Globe recently highlighted the plight of many who live with speech and swallowing disorders. As the article pointed out, in Cambodia these disorders are often … [Read more...]